Committed to Reducing Health Disparities
Welcome to WMCHealth’s Center for Women’s Health Equity. Established in 2023 with the help of a $750,000 grant from New York State, the Center is the first of its kind based in New York State’s Hudson Valley region.
Our aim is to reduce the disparities of health among women in our region. We believe it is possible to reduce the leading causes of death among pregnant women by integrating our Heart and Vascular Institute with specialists in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, whose expertise is in the care of complex medical problems affecting pregnant women. This partnership prioritizes a more proactive and holistic view of elevated risk factors among women, particularly those of color.
Did You Know?
- In New York State, Black, non-Hispanic women are up to five times more likely to die of pregnancy-related causes than White, non-Hispanic women.
- Pregnant African American and Latina women are up to four times more likely than their Caucasian counterparts to die of cardiovascular complications such as heart disease, embolism, and hemorrhage during pregnancy.
- 78 percent of pregnancy-related deaths were preventable, according to the same report by the New York State Department of Health.
Equitable Women’s Health Services
Our prenatal care services efficiently integrate comprehensive pregnancy and childbirth education into routine visits and establish a post-partum program that follows patients for a year with close communication and integration with primary care providers.
Once it is time for baby to arrive, our providers are focused on reducing the cesarean delivery rates and associated complications along with other cardiovascular complications in the in-patient settings.
We leverage WMCHealth’s extensive behavioral health network to increase and enhance access to mental health and substance use disorder services. The hospitals in Valhalla and Kingston are home to well-established neonatal abstinence support programs for babies born to women suffering from opiate addiction.
We are continuously evaluating needs and resources to improve access to prevention and treatment programs in gynecologic and breast cancer care in the region.
Multilingual social workers who are trained in cultural sensitivities help women navigate care pathways across WMCHealth and engage with community-based partners for enhanced care.
For more information, contact the Center for Women’s Health Equity in Hawthorne or Kingston. View the ‘Our Locations’ tab on this page.
Join Our ECHO Program to Enhance Maternal Health
Health before, during, and after pregnancy is vital to ensuring a safe and healthy journey for mother and baby. Unfortunately, maternal mortality rates in the United States are higher than in other developed countries, often due to health disparities.
In 2022, New York State took a bold step to address these issues by passing a state law and creating the New York Health Equity Plan. As part of this initiative, the New York State Department of Health launched a five-year Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) grant. We're excited to share that Westchester Medical Center is one of the two ECHO hubs in New York State!
Project ECHO is designed to improve health outcomes by breaking down barriers to care. The ECHO model creates a virtual community with a specialist team at the core to provide guidance, foster communication, and build connections. At Westchester Medical Center, we are proud to be at the heart of this initiative, ensuring that best practices are shared and implemented in underserved and rural areas.
Our ECHO educational program at Westchester Medical Center aligns with the Healthy People 2030 goal of preventing pregnancy complications and maternal deaths, and improving health before, during, and after pregnancy.
We warmly invite you to join our monthly Lunch & Learn Sessions and a Virtual Café Q&A, and to join one of our cohorts at Westchester Medical Center. Each cohort will have one to six participants, and you'll earn one CME credit per one-hour educational session, totaling a minimum of six CME credits. Participants are eligible to receive up to 12 CME credits per year at no cost. A commitment to attend six sessions within six months is required. CME credits will be provided by New York Medical College.
Ready to make a difference in maternal health? Register now to view our curriculum and join us in this important journey!
Register and view our curriculum

We understand the importance of visiting the place where you plan to have your baby before your delivery. With our Labor and Delivery tours, you can see our Labor and Delivery Suite, meet members of our dedicated Obstetric team, and our hope, reduce any concerns you may have.
We invite you and your support person to schedule a tour and obtain more information about your intended birthing experience.
Tours are available, during both day and evening hours, and are available throughout your pregnancy. We recommend scheduling a tour during the third trimester, ideally between 30 and 34 weeks of gestation.
We look forward to caring for you and your baby!
Register Here
If you have difficulties, we can be reached at 914.493.2253.

Entendemos la importancia de visitar el lugar donde planea tener a su bebé antes del parto. Con nuestros recorridos de sala de Labor y sala de Parto, puede ver nuestra Suite de Labor y de Parto, conocer a los miembros de nuestro dedicado equipo obstétrico, con la esperanza de reducir cualquier inquietud que pueda tener.
Les invitamos a usted y a su acompañante a programar su recorrido para que obtenga más información sobre su futura experiencia de parto.
Los recorridos están disponibles, tanto de día como de noche, y están disponibles durante todo el embarazo. Recomendamos programar un recorrido durante el tercer trimestre, idealmente entre las 30 y 34 semanas de gestación.
Esperamos con interés poder cuidar de usted y de su bebé.
Registrar Aquí
Si tiene dificultades, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en 914.493.2253.

Our Locations
Visit the Center for Women’s Health Equity at one of two convenient locations.
Westchester Medical Center
19 Bradhurst Avenue
Suite 2750S
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Call 914.493.2250
HealthAlliance Hospital
105 Mary's Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401
Call 845.303.1132
Westchester Medical Center Outpatient Clinic
19 Bradhurst Avenue
Suite 700 - Adult Specialty Clinics
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Call 914.493.7667