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Throat Surgeries and Procedures

Throat Surgery and Procedures | Advanced ENT Services

ENT specialists at WMCHealth Physicians: Advanced ENT Services offer a range of throat surgery and procedures treating oral tumors, tongue tie, lesions, tonsillitis, vocal cord damage, and much more. Learn more below about some of the throat surgeries that may be available to you at one of our practice locations in the Hudson Valley.


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Throat Surgery and Procedures

Select a procedure below for more information.


Bronchoscopy (Examination of the Windpipe)


Bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is used for diagnostic purposes, as well as foreign body removal in the lungs or airways. During bronchoscopy, an ear, nose and throat specialist inserts a long, tube known as a bronchoscope through the nose or mouth. This device, which has a light and a very small camera on its tip, can be used to take a tissue sample for biopsy, aid in the diagnosis of a lung problem, or remove a foreign body that has become trapped in the lungs. 


Direct Laryngoscopy (Larynx/Voice Box Procedure)


Direct laryngoscopy is a procedure utilized by surgeons for examining or treating the larynx and throat. The larynx (or voice box) is located just above the trachea. Direct laryngoscopy can be used for diagnostic purposes, foreign body removal, biopsy, removal of a mass, or the removal of a cyst. This procedure is done under general anesthesia.


Esophagoscopy (Examination of the Esophagus)


Esophagoscopy, sometimes referred to as “transnasal esophagoscopy,” is a procedure that can be used for both diagnostic purposes and foreign body removal. It is frequently used in the diagnosis of dysphagia (swallowing problems). During esophagoscopy, a thin, flexible endoscope with a light and small camera on the tip is inserted into the throat via a nasal passage. The procedure can be done in-office without anesthesia and typically takes less than 30 minutes.


Excision and Biopsy of Oral Tumor 


Approximately 53,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer per year, according to The Oral Cancer Foundation. Still, others may develop benign (non-cancerous) and precancerous oral tumors. Providers at Advanced ENT Services perform biopsy and excision (removal) of these oral tumors.


Excision of Masses and Mucosal Lesions (Lip, Tongue and Oral Cavity)


Masses or mucosal lesions of the lip, tongue, or oral cavity can cause pain and discomfort and may restrict an individual’s ability to eat and drink. In some cases, masses or mucosal lesions in the oral cavity may be cancerous. Providers at Advanced ENT Services can remove masses and lesions in order to restore health and comfort to patients.


Excision of Tongue Base or Lingual Tonsils


Part of the tonsillar ring, the lingual tonsil is located at the base of the tongue close to where the throat joins the mouth and nasal cavity. In some individuals, the lingual tonsil can be removed in order to create more space for the airway behind the tongue. This procedure may be recommended for some individuals with obstructive sleep apnea or snoring issues. The procedure is performed via the mouth with no external incisions.


Excision or Incision of Oral Mucocele


A mucocele is a harmless cyst that most commonly develops on the gums, roof of the mouth, under the tongue, or inside the lower lips. The mucocele may develop as a result of trauma or by biting or sucking on the cheek or lower lip. While many oral mucoceles go away on their own, some may enlarge and require treatment. An ENT surgeon may remove the gland under local anesthesia using a scalpel or laser. In some cases, the physician may use a technique called marsupialization to help a new duct form, encouraging saliva to leave the salivary gland.


Incision and Drainage of Peritonsillar Abscess (Infection Caused by Untreated Strep Throat or Tonsillitis)


Untreated strep throat or tonsillitis sometimes develops into a bacterial infection known as a  peritonsillar abscess, a pus-filled pocket located near a tonsil. These abscesses are most commonly seen in children, teens and young adults during winter months when strep throat and tonsillitis are prevalent. Some cases may be treated with antibiotics; other cases may require incision and drainage. In this procedure, an ENT surgeon uses a lance or needle to aspirate the abscess.


Incision and Drainage of Retropharyngeal Abscess (Bacterial Infection in the Throat)


A retropharyngeal abscess is a bacterial infection in the back of the throat that produces a collection of pus. The abscess may cause fever, stiffness, or painful swallowing. Retropharyngeal abscesses occur most commonly in children between the ages of one and eight. While initial treatment typically involves antibiotics, some children may need to see an ENT surgeon for incision and drainage of the abscess.


Subglottic/Tracheal Balloon Dilation (Treatment for Narrowing of the Throat)


Subglottic stenosis (SGS) is a condition that can occur in both children and adults; it is characterized by the narrowing of the subglottis, located just beneath the vocal cords and above the trachea. Subglottic stenosis may cause respiratory difficulty and noisy breathing. In children, SGS may cause recurring croup. ENT surgeons at Advanced ENT Services treat both pediatric and adult cases of SGS with an endoscopic procedure known as balloon dilation. During this procedure, a small endoscope with a balloon on the tip is inserted into the throat; the balloon is then inflated to widen the air passageway.


Supraglottoplasty (Treatment of Laryngomalacia, Softened Larynx)


Supraglottoplasty is a microscopic surgical procedure used to address conditions affecting the upper larynx in both children and adults. ENT surgeons frequently use this technique to treat laryngomalacia, a congenital birth defect characterized by softening of the tissues of the larynx; laryngomalacia can cause noisy, difficult breathing in infants and children.


Tongue Tie Release


Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition characterized by an abnormally thick or short band of tissue connecting the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Frenotomy (tongue tie release surgery) may be done almost immediately after birth or later in infancy, childhood, or adulthood. The procedure, especially in newborns, is quick and complications are rare.


Tonsillectomy (With or Without Adenoidectomy)


Located in the back of the throat, the tonsils help in the production of antibodies against infectious bacteria. In some people, the tonsils frequently become inflamed, producing a condition known as tonsillitis. If inflammation and infection continues to reoccur (especially within a short period of time), your child’s ENT surgeon may recommend tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils). 


The adenoids (glands located in the roof of the mouth just behind the nose) may also be removed at the same time in order to improve breathing. These glands play an important role in the immune system. Typically, the adenoids begin to shrink during childhood and are almost entirely gone by teenage years. In some children, the adenoids enlarge, blocking the airway and causing breathing difficulties, sleep apnea, ear infections, and other complications. During an adenoidectomy, the ENT surgeon removes the tissue. Adenoid removal surgery is done under general anesthesia.


Transoral Robotic Surgery


Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses a robotic system to perform procedures in the mouth and throat. During the procedure, the surgeon navigates specialized robotic arms, which are inserted through the patient's mouth and into the throat. The robotic arms are equipped with tiny surgical instruments and a high-definition 3D camera, allowing the surgeon excellent visibility of the operative area. TORS may offer several benefits over traditional open surgery, including less pain, scarring, and recovery time. It is commonly used to treat cancers of the head and neck, as well as other conditions that affect the mouth and throat.


Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment)


Known as UPPP, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a procedure that maximizes capacity of the airway in the throat while preventing tissue collapse. The procedure is commonly done to treat adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea. By removing excess tissue, breathing may be easier and quality of sleep may improve.


Vocal Cord Surgery


Throat surgeons at Advanced ENT Services perform a wide range of vocal cord surgeries and diagnostic procedures, including suspension microlaryngoscopy for large number of lesions in the voice box; vocal fold paralysis surgery; various pharyngoplasty procedures for velopharyngeal insufficiency; microlaryngoscopy; vocal fold injection medialization; thyroplasty; cancer surgery; digital video-stroboscopy; fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and sensory testing; and transnasal esophagoscopy.

Find an ENT Provider Near You in New York

To see a board-certified ENT surgeon at one of our many practice locations in the Hudson Valley, please call 914.693.7636 or request an appointment using the form below.

A representative from WMCHealth Physicians Advanced ENT Services will call you at the phone number you include on this form. We accept most insurances including Medicare and Medicaid; please be sure to ask the practice representative who calls you if we accept your insurance plan. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.